Q : Where is your office?

A : Our office is located in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada; 100% Canadian Company


Q : Do your company have Health Canada License?

A : Yes, we have Health Canada MDEL(Medical Device Establishment License: 5942) since 2013. We are legally importing and distributing medical device products in Canada.  


Q : How do I update my account information?

A : After you log in, under your username and beside the "Logout" button on the right-hand side bar, there will be an "Edit" button. You will be asked for your password before you have access to your profile.


Q : How do I order a product online?

A : Go to the store and click on the item which you wish to buy. You will be taken to the item page which lists the code, price, image, and description of a product. Under the image on the left hand bottom, you will see a drop-down heading to choose the number of items you desire and beside it, a green "Add to Cart" button and a blue "Add to Wish List" button.  The green "Add to Cart" button is what will put this product into our shopping list. You will be taken to the list as soon as you click it. If this is all you need, go to the left hand bottom and click the green "Proceed to Checkout" button. Put in your payment information and voila! 

(The blue "Add to Wish List" button will put it into a separate list that will be saved, but will not go on into purchasing procedure.)

(If you would like to keep adding to your shopping cart, click the middle "Keep Shopping" button beside the green "Proceed to Checkout" button and you will be taken back to the store.)


Q : Where can I get assistance with implants bought from the Fixtures and Parts Portal?

A : If you are in Vancouver or Toronto, there are sales reps and study clubs available to help you through the implant learning process.


Q : How can I learn more about the surgical procedures shown on this website?

A: Specialized implant procedures, such as the Sinus Lift; Platelet Rich Fibrin usage using the PRF kit; grafting with connective tissue or bone; and more are all taught through practical and hands-on workhops with Surgical Samrt representatives on hand to help at the BITES Institute.